Securing community forest concessions in Bafwasende, DR Congo

Securing community forest concessions in Bafwasende, DR Congo

DR Congo - 23 September, 2024

After dedicated effort and persistence, nine local communities in Bafwasende, DR Congo have secured their rights to more than 320,000 hectares in the form of local community forest concessions (CFCLs). This was the result of more than three years of advocacy, lobbying and collaboration with various stakeholders, including our partner Tropenbos DR Congo as well as provincial and national authorities.

Faced with the problem of elites benefiting from forests and land at the expense of local communities, the government of DR Congo introduced CFCLs to empower communities to manage forests sustainably. A community can apply for a concession for up to 50,000 ha of forests traditionally owned by them. Once the concession is granted, a community is allowed to engage in sustainable management practices based on a locally developed and validated management plan in perpetuity.

Bafwasende is the largest forest territory in DR Congo. It covers 47,087 km² and 98% of it is forested. CFCLs present a vital opportunity for Bafwasende communities to secure their forests and lands. However, due to the complexity of the process — including numerous technical and administrative challenges — the communities required support. Tropenbos DR Congo therefore helped them by building the capacity to develop management plans, raising awareness of their rights and guiding them through the process.

In December 2023 the provincial Governor of Tshopo finally signed the decrees for nine communities. The long-awaited allocation of the community forest concessions has brought hope and empowerment to the communities of Bafwasende, allowing them to manage their forests sustainably and protect their lands.