The network secretariat team supports the network partners in various aspects contributing to the success and impact of the network. The team provides expertise, assist in programme development and effective coordination among partners and for programme implementation, as well as resource mobilization, and positioning and promoting the network at internationally relevant dialogues and processes.  


Joost van Montfort

Executive Director


Dr. Roderick Zagt

Head of programmes, country advisor Indonesia

Roderick coordinates and give support to all programmes; and coordinates and supports activities in Indonesia.


Huyen Nguyen

Head of Finance and Business Support

Programme Coordination

Dr. Bas Louman

Programme coordinator MoMo4C, country advisor Viet Nam

Bas coordinates the thematic areas on local financial capacities and locally responsive policies as thematic expert on inclusive finance; and coordinates and supports activities in Viet Nam.

Programme Coordination

Dr. Rosalien Jezeer

Programme coordinator Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) and Fire-smart landscape governance

Programme Coordination

André Brasser

Associate programme coordinator Working Landscapes, expert collaborative learning

Andre gives support to the impact area on participatory forest and landscape restoration and is advisor for collaborative learning

Programme Coordination

Maartje de Graaf

Thematic lead on community forest management and conservation, country advisor Ghana and the Philippines

Maartje leads the community forest management and conservation impact area, supports the impact area on diversified production systems as a thematic expert on cocoa; and coordinates and supports activities in Ghana and the Philippines.

Programme Coordination

Humberto Gómez

Thematic lead on Participatory Forest and Landscape Restoration, country advisor Uganda

Humberto leads the participatory forest and landscape restoration impact area and supports the thematic area on locally responsive policies; and coordinates and supports activities in Uganda.


Programme Coordination

Jinke van Dam

Associate thematic lead diversified production systems

Jinke leads the impact area on diversified production systems and is advisor for EU and Dutch forest related policies. 

Programme Coordination

Sara Ramirez

Gender and youth lead and advisor South America

Sara leads the gender and youth thematic area, gives supports to the impact area on community forest management and conservation, and coordinates and gives support to regional activities in Colombia, Bolivia and Suriname. 

Programme Coordination

Anita van der Laan

Senior Advisor Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Programme Coordination

Juan Manuel Moya Rodríguez

Expert business and finance

Juan advices the thematic area on local financial capacities and business opportunities.