

Wild Plantains in Middle Caquetá Heliconia and Phenakospermum.


Authors: Martinez, X. and Galeano, G.

Colombia - 1994

ISBN: 958-9365-9-8

ISSN: 1566-6514

Language: Spanish


This book presents a catalogue describing 11 species of the genus Heliconia and one species of the genus Pheakosperum occurring in the Araracuara region in Colombia. The work is a contribution from the Institute of Natural Resources at the University of Colombia to the Tropenbos-Colombia programme. It is meant to provide better access to these genera for researchers and other interested persons. The authors describe the important characteristics, distribution, ecology, uses, vernacular names and botanical names of the species. Illustrations of species are included. The plants are found in many habitats in the region, but particularly on the clay-like and sandy soils of the Caquetá river flood plain and on plains with sedimentary soils that are abundant with organic matter. One of the species, Heliconia tenebrosa, was recorded in Colombia for the first time. In addition to being used by the local population as supplement to their diet, Heliconia species have economic potential as ornamental plants and cut flowers.

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